Category: Uncategorized

  • Two Quick Things

    On the left are two old pendants I forgot all about, so I strung them on a new ribbon and’ll wear them when I film this afternoon.  On the right up there… you see… ahhh… okay out with it: that stuff is American and I use it all the time. 

    I’ve been chewing that gum for 10 years and using that lip balm for double that.  And I feel like I’m letting down my title a little by doing so.

    But I’m almost out of both, both have been discontinued in Canada (correct me if I’m wrong) and so last night I wrote to an American friend asking him to send me a gross of each.

  • Things Out My Window Today

    I had to go to Steeles Avenue and en route found the HQ of IBM Canada, there top left [note: as I linked up that map I see I was in Markham].  

    So you’re driving along and then there’s a ramp you can drive down, in the middle of road so weird, right down into IBM.  Tempting, eh?  

    Like… there’s probably someone at the bottom who stops you, but no way will they make you backup that ramp into oncoming traffic, you know?  So you’ll have to drive underground and popup somewhere in IBM.  Guaranteed adventure.

    Bottom left belongs to the Bank of Montreal but is not their HQ, that’s in Montreal.  Did you know that it’s Canada’s oldest bank (1817), is currently ranked 4th largest (by deposits) and recently got into life insurance? 

    And that last one, I just like that picture. 

  • Confirmed: sick.

    Got groceries, made food with groceries, put with movie setup, then to bed.

    And that’s made by the prism my brother gave me forever ago.  It’s tough to photograph rainbows, eh.