Ryan and I went exploring today; I took him to Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship YORK.
may 23 2009
Ryan and I went exploring today; I took him to Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship YORK.
may 23 2009
Hit 1 guys backpack in a group of 10. Asked them if it at least looked cool.
may 22 2009
may 21 2009
I’d forgotten how much fun it is to ride a bike, it’s been yearsss. So knowing that and knowing I went down some small stairs tonight, not bad eh. I had a yellow one as a kid.
Bottom right is a close up of my handle grips. Sigh, I know. That’s not even close to how bad the name of it is, ready? It’s part of what set my brother and I off last night… The Ramrodder. When he responded with, “paddle on Keri in your douche canoe”, I lost it.
It came from Hogtown, one of Canada’s largest skate and snowboard shops.
That’s the owner Peter on the left, showing you the LEDs on his new skateboard, and on the right is Pat Allard, he’ll help you find parts while being quiet about his excellent skate skills.
I realize it sounds obvious, but moving around on a bike is just so efficient… a 30 minute walk is now a 5 minute ball of fun. Do you know how much more I’m gonna be able to squish into a day? My world just got so big and full of nooks.
Ryan (of AbootPlay.ca and DearToronto.com) and I are off to film together. I’m gonna pick him up in the studio on Saturday and have mapped us out a 3-stop, military-themed exploration.
It’s unlikely, but if we did have extra time there’s 3 other spots I’d go, just to see them:
1 – the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library – Canada’s biggest collection of rare books that anyone can access. That you can film inside surprises me because rare book theft (especially maps) is a serious problem.
2 – Toronto’s first Post Office. I’m a long time fan of mailing things, and it’s Canada’s only example of a British Colonial post office.may 21 2009
3 – The art-deco masterpiece, the Canada Permanent Trust Building . I like art deco, want to know how a place could live up to such a name, and am now extra curious on account of just discovering their tiny tiny Wikipedia page (why? because of what I coincidently tweeted earlier today).
Left to right:may 20 2009
– that’s Shane, faithful Canadian Tire Pit Stop guy who’s been there every single time I’ve gone for an oil change. He loves the studio. And I finally replaced the windshield wipers.
– the amount written on my hand is directly proportional to how busy my day is.
– something I’ve been thinking and researching for 3 months I bought today, Phil there sold it to me. I’d tell you what it is but that’s its own post for tomorrow, after I return to pick it up.
You know when a whole day just clicks, and even the littlest things line up without effort? Accidental success all over the place… that was today.