Category: Uncategorized

  • Me Today

    june 1 2009

    Those are the glasses I keep in my car, for when the sun comes out and I’m not prepared.

  • Another Sunday Parkour Trek

    Learned some new things… dynamic moves (a climbing term to describe leaping from one place to another… in this case hanging from two rings up to the bar they’re attached to) and my new favorite, the gate vault.

    I should try to go back and get footage of the tree.  Wait, think I’ve posted a photo of this tree, hang on….yup, click here – top row, middle photo.

    So last time I walked straight across but today had to crawl because of the new sprouts coming out everywhere [note: a forest looks exactly different from winter to spring, like, unrecognizable] and halfway across the tree breaks. 

    I’m already in a crouch and ride it down 5 feet till it rests on the bank and then finish crawling.  And I swear to you my heart did not pick up one beat of pace, unaffected calmness.  Know why?

         I am a natural born spy.

    may 31 2009

  • Worked the Billy Joel & Elton John Concert

    may 30 2009

    The place was on its feet after every song… that’d be 35 times.  Ya, long concert.  First together, then Elton, then Billy, then back together for the big encore.  I thought it was nice how two musical giants shared their songs like that, and when they first took to the stage they hugged.

    There on the left, that’s my view.  I was stationed at the sound mixer and had maybe the best seat in the house.  You know how I know?  Because for the Elton parts who comes and sits on the crate beside me?  David Furnish.  

    I made an effort not to look at him (don’t need a repeat of the Larry incident) plus how annoying for him to be stared at because he’s famous.  Here’s what I tweeted after:

         Tough to tell who TO liked better, Elton or Billy. But David Furnish smells really good.

    Cause he does.  And he was just like, nice; Elton’s lucky.  I gave him a piece of gum halfway through and when he left he smiled and patted me on the back twice, sick.  When Elton said he was now half-Canadian everyone cheered.

    “Crocodile Rock” was Elton’s biggest crowd pleaser (they lost it) and Billy said “We Didn’t Start the Fire” has had a lot written about it but is actually meaningless. 

    My lips there… I only took one photo the whole night and I guess I still had the zoom way up because that’s what came out.  Only one?  Yup, taking photos of yourself in front of 20 000 people is nervousness.

  • The Toronto Criterium

    A ‘criterium’ is a short course bike race usually held in a city centre.  Lots of laps, high speeds (40 – 60km/h) and the riders stick together in a pack or ‘peleton’.  This one circled around St. Lawrence Market, see the course here.

    That’s my bike after it was valet parked courtesy of the Toronto Cyclists Union.  Fancy huh.

    may 29 2009

    No one from my team was present and not gonna lie, I wasn’t that into it.  It’s just not as fun when you don’t have someone to root for directly.

    What was fun though was meeting my Twitter friend in real life, @fuzzz, he’s looking good, eh?  I look like I’ve been lifting weights with my neck.  

    @ModernMod was there too, but there’s no point in taking a photo of us because I’ll never be able to top this one.  This week he was dubbed one of “Toronto’s most interesting Twitterers” by the Globe and Mail; congratulations dude.

    Then I rode home in the rain, totally forget my mascara would be affected and it was all over the place #AccidentalEmo.

  • Lunch with Jody

    We cackled away.  She doesn’t like being in my photos and so instead I have to take ones like this.  We have no idea what that thing is but it’s going into her homemade sangria later.

    One quick thing:

    Jody: Remember that PSA you made, where you’re promoting being green and recycling?
    Me: Yes.
    Jody: I just put it together yesterday how your message gets cancelled out since you’re standing on your car saying it.
    Us: [more cackling]

    So she made me hug this tree, you know, to even it all out.