Category: Uncategorized

  • This Might Be My New Thing

    june 4 2009

    Tried this last night; it’s wheatgrass from Booster Juice – Canada’s largest juice and smoothie bar.  They cut growing grass, shove it into that machine and you drink what gets squished out.  

    I wouldn’t say the taste is delicious BUT see what a little bit of it is equivalent to?  Goodbye stupid salads!

  • Look What Came in the Mail* Today

    What a great gift eh!  It’s from the same guy who sent me this.  Thanks little man, a LOT.  

    It’s a pirate-robot-ninja and I wore it to a parkour meet tonight, one that I could not get into. Instead I kicked around and did some filming on behalf of someone who’s making a demo-reel to audition for a commercial that needs parkour people.  

    If you’re interested let me know and I’ll find out the details for you; act fast though, apparently half the city is applying and the deadline is soon.

    * as I typed that I realized I need to check my other mailbox; there might be a gross of both gum and vaseline waiting for me. 

  • ‘The Canadian Explorer’ Mobile Meet&Greet Stand

    june 2 2009

    Jody and I were running errands together and at a print house there was one of these displays.  This is the second time she’s told me this:

    Jody: You’re gonna have to, for your trip.
    Me: [blank stare]
    Jody: You’ll set it up in different stops along the way; it rolls up into that thing you have your hands on. 
    Me: Only crickets will show up.  It’ll be like the real-life version of the robots.

    We’ve been making robot jokes forever because for the longest time they’re the only ones that visited this website.  I’ve been mulling over throwing myself a… ready? Blog Party! and we joked about inviting the robots.  Then when she said, “imagine if they actually showed up?” it was all over.  I probably annoyed half of Queen West today I was laughing so hard…

    Robot: Hi Keri, we’re on a break from indexing.  Nice to put a face to a blog.

    Say it in a robot voice.  Okay maybe you had to be there.  Fine, never mind. 

  • Twitter

    Re: editing – I have it down to zero wasted movements. Frederick Taylor would be proud of me.

    New episode coming later today; I’m trying a new format. june 2 2009

  • Might Have Missed My Calling

    Pretty good form, eh?june 1 2009

    Curtis sent me these today… he’s the Master Seaman (or ‘matelot-chef’ in French) at the Navy Base.  I read and re-read what that title means but don’t get it, or why in French it’s insinuated he can cook?  He’s the equivalent to a Master Corporal in the Army; ya still puzzled.  Military nomenclature is confusing and I think they do it on purpose.

    All I know is he was the guy-in-charge that day, of the place and the weapons.  See him in the episode at 1:24; he’s the one in the background wearing a hat.