Category: Uncategorized

  • Today is ‘World Naked Bike Ride’ Day

    In over 40 cities around the globe people rode their bikes naked to raise awareness of bike safety issues and environmental ones, too.  The Toronto ride was organized by TNT!Men, the same group that lobbied and won for Hanlan’s Point Beach on Toronto Island to be ‘clothing optional’; it’s one of just two in Canada (the other is in Vancouver).

    It took me forever to find them (they changed their route from the one posted on their site) during which time I came across a couple protests:

    Top left was huge, that photo doesn’t even come close to doing it justice.  I’m pretty sure it was a type of Union protest but can’t find mention of it in the news anywhere… isn’t that odd?  All I can find are articles like this one, with talk of a possible strike June 22 by all the workers who keep the city running (garbage guys, water workers, etc) so maybe they don’t want to give them any press?  I don’t know, I find union stuff confusing.  If you know anything please leave a comment. 

    Up there on the right are the Tamil protesters, still on University Avenue.  And bottom is when I finally caught up to the bikers on Queen Street.

    I rode with them for half a block then according to their map they were to end in Kensington (makes sense) and pedaled over but never saw them again.  So instead I ate lunch in a park while I watched a fire truck across the street, and saw this car full of dirt, The Community Vehicular Reclamation Project.

    june 13 2009

  • Last Night’s Tweet Sure Caused a Stir

    Last night I said, “Some guy just told me my handshake is too strong and I shouldn’t do that, I should be more feminine”, and from that I got many responses, look:

     june 13 2009

    I was touched, thanks guys.  

    And I agree with you all… how can it be a bad thing?  A limp handshake is so ewww.  Once I got a job based purely on my handshake.  You know though, what bothered me most was not his comment but the two spelling mistakes I made when I tweeted it.

  • From Tonight

    june 12 2009

    At Harbourfront tonight Cirque de Soleil was doing its dress rehearsal for tomorrow’s Luminato closing show.  My friend and I were were killing ourselves while planning the ‘Great Clown Caper of 09’:

    So we’ll dress up in costumes and take to the street… and make unidentifiable noises as we move through the crowd with jazz hands, tapping heads… then we take their purses and bags with a big smile… and they’ll be all like, “don’t worry honey!  They’re gonna bring them back in a magical way.”.  

    On the right up there is a palm tree here in Toronto; weird, huh.  I was at some gigilala club I can’t remember the name of, and they were everywhere.  

  • If You’re Okay with Being Lost…

    … this is the kinda stuff that can happen.june 11 2009

    En route home traffic just stopped… so instead of sitting in it I took the next exit available. No idea where I am, but my trick is to find the CN Tower and navigate from there.  

    Ladida I’m driving along and happen upon Plant World, middle row left, and this is excellent and in I go because on my to-do-tomorrow list is “buy herbs for a birthday gift”.  I always stop to smell the flowers (and soon we’ll go explore the Royal Botanical Gardens where there is a specific flower to find and smell).

    The bottom photo is a rare sight… me owning alive-things, which is how this conversation came to be:

    Me: Are these filled with bugs?  
    Lady who works there: Really?
    Me: Ya.  Like, if I leave them overnight in my apartment will I then have a bug problem?
    Lady: [blank stare, turns into a smirk] 
    Me: Is my imagination working overtime here?  
    Lady: Yes, this is borderline completely over-the-top.
    Us: [cackling]

  • Lipdubbing

    june 11 2009