Category: Uncategorized

  • Moments from ‘Exploring Cycling’

    From editing today.

    Below is my team and I.  Too bad we’re all fuzzy; my camera’s not the best.

    june 15 2009
    Gratuitous logo shots.

  • Bike Race in Kitchener

    june 14 2009

    Behold the top left photo… my logo in the real world yesss.  I love today.

    I took my bike with me and filmed the last bits of “Exploring Cycling”, and then afterwards went with my team to McDonalds.  Yes, bottom right is a McDonalds.

  • Me Today

    june 14 2009

  • Work Tonight

    A Toronto FC soccer game at the BMO field.  We won tonight and afterwards, right outside my gate (I did this), fans chanted and danced forever, led by that guy and his megaphone who stood atop a garbage can.  

    I read in The Star months ago that the stuff that happens at our soccer games would never be permitted over at the Europe ones, neat eh.  Sure they’re loud, but they’re also happy and rarely anything bad happens; don’t believe the hype.

    june 13 2009

  • I Felt Practically Obligated to See This

    It’s the Red Ball Project.  Here it is at 567 Queen Street, and these shots are taken from around the back of the building.

    june 13 2009

    It’s interesting to me how maybe the simplest installation of all the Luminato ones has had the most impact.   It’s squishier than you think, inflated by that there generator and makes people animated.

    I had my camera with me but meh, didn’t think the results would be great.  Except if I’d hooked it up to my bike and calmly rode away pulling it behind me… now that’s good footage.