Category: Uncategorized

  • A Birthday Party for my Oldest Friend

    I walked into the wrong apartment, who were also having a party. They all turned and said “Who are you?” I said “What’s up?!”  

    And it wasn’t like a couple people saw me, the whole 20-strong group was posing for a photo, facing the top of the stairs.  

    june 19 2009

    On the left is during the middle of a toast, everyone standing in a circle.  The girls were done up big in their makeup and clothes; I’d slept in mine.  On the right is the birthday boy.

  • That’s a Shiny Studio

    june 19 2009

    I detailed it with a toothbrush and a lot of elbow grease.  Some tips:

    – do the interior glass first, then toothbrush, then plastics, then vacuum
    – on the doorjams (left photo) open all the doors while doing them, use just a clean dry rag
    – do not be like me and leave the windows down while working so dust blows back in and makes you have to do it all twice
    – enjoy how much better your car will drive when it’s so clean, no joke

  • I Watched TV

    That may sound mundane, but it happens only a couple times a year.  Put a remote in my hand and I’ll sit there for hoursss.

    As I photoshopped the below montage I thought how revealing knowing what a person watches can be, kinda the same as knowing what’s on someone’s iPod or book shelf.

    Top left to bottom right:june 19 2009

    – ‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’.  What exactly are those sunglasses/headphones wired into?
    – Finally I saw the show that’s been on every magazine cover for weeks, Jon and Kate Plus 8, and really?  I lasted 90 seconds
    – David Blaine doing magic.  Would like to have a coffee with that guy
    – That’s some infomercial for I forget.  I adore informercials, always have
    – Also finally got to see the girl behind my favourite celebrity gossip blog, LaineyGossip.  That’s her doing eTalk Canada.
    – The local news.  I think the worst part about the world switching to satellite is local TV will be pushed out, and that’s not right. 

  • Where I Slept Tonight

    june 18 2009

    Cute eh?  Why do these kinda places always have those circular chairs outside?

    10 minutes into the long night drive home I realized I didn’t have it in me, so I pulled off the highway and into the first motel I found.

    I’ve mentioned before I prefer these type of places, and realized while here that getting sponsored by like a ‘Super 8’ might not be the best thing because it would impede exploring… most of those chains are cookie cutter whereupon if I spend time in one-offs like this, we’ll find out more stuff.  

    Except for Fairmont, pleaaase let me get sponsored by Fairmont.

  • How the Homeopath Went

    I opted to go out-of-town to one some people I know go to.  She was nice, asked a lot of questions and when I told her how often I was getting sick she didn’t skip a beat; she said it’s because my body is confused and adjusting to all the health I’ve been sticking in it since my March commitment.

    It doesn’t mean my immune system sucks like I thought, its just getting used to vegetables and such.  Also, it’s not like I flicked a switch in March and it was smooth sailing… I’ve fallen back many times.  Immune confusion.

    Makes sense, I’ve been living on fast food forever… if I were to die today my corpse would be around for centuries.  I’m not even being dramatic, it’s a real problem… because of all the preservatives in food today bodies are no longer decaying as quickly as they did and graveyards are running out of room.

    She gave me some stuff to help me along. 

    june 18 2009

    Get this: I have to be mindful where I keep them because… they absorb energy.  For example, I’m to take in more copper because it kills bacteria, so that must be kept far from anything electronic.  I buy into that because I know that if you wrap your electronics in copper and electrify it, everything gets erased (spies do that).  

    Why homeopath as opposed to a regular doctor?  I prefer the idea of healing through natural stuff as opposed to chemicals.  I read once that, as great (and Canadian) penicillin is, using it to kill off an infection is like getting rid of weeds in your garden by burning it to the ground.