Category: Uncategorized

  • Sat Down to Edit Last Night

    june 22 2009

    So far so good.  But then I opened up my “big interview file”, aka “the ending to this episode” and NO AUDIO. 

    That’s Jamie, the head instructor at the school for 17 years and all-around great guy.  He’s presenting me with my “you completed racing school!” certificate and look how much fun we’re having.  

    I was still beside myself at this point, from my big day, so he took over the interview and even led us to espouse the merits of Bridgestone tires, to which I exclaimed, “Yup! They’re the only reason I was able to stay on the road!”… “too far Keri, too far”.  

    Remember I said I was nervous to film this episode, so much going on?  Maybe that’s how I screwed up so bad, maybe it was the rain, I don’t know.  I had it all worked out in my head… I wasn’t able to get shots of me driving (can’t put my camera out in the rain) but Colour Tech Photography took shots of me and I’ll use them instead, but there is sound missing all over the place.

    I am not taking this well.  I twittered last night something like, “There’s no audio, I’m close to tears” but deleted it this morning because I didn’t want the internet to tell him what happened, I wanted it to come from me face-to-face.  Because I’ve cancelled everything today and am about to drive back up there, tell him, and hopefully he’ll do a re-shoot with me.  

    Jaime, I’m sorry. 

  • Hit the MMVAs for 20 Minutes

    june 21 2009

    Clockwise from top left:

    – that’s called “dipping the whip” 
    – found that on the ground, it’s the red carpet arrival list… like, who arrives at what time in what kind of car to be interviewed where
    – that psychic (orange shirt) was doing a booming business
    – I’d be interested to know the percentage VS total show cost for the insurance to put the viewers up there on that scaffolding 

  • Me Today

    june 21 2009

  • Today I Learned to Drive This

    june 20 2009

    I spent the day at the Bridgestone Racing Academy, a part of Mosport Raceway just outside Bowmanville.  They’ve been open 24 years and get this – have a 24 year injury-free record.

    There were 10 in my class, I was the only girl, and the only one who took notes during our morning class.  Some facts:

    – they purchased a new fleet of cars just last year (above) – the Van Diemen Formula Car, $72K/each
    – each car weighs 1000lbs and has an engine with 170 horses, the equivalent to a 500 horsepower street car
    – there’s no neutral, no reverse, it’s a 5 speed sequential shifter without a gear indictator
    – the car doesn’t like cruising, it likes only braking or gas (oh okaaaay) 
    – driving in the rain (like we did all day) and hitting an oil patch (they’re everywhere) is like hitting black ice (musta spun out 7+ times)

    We went out in groups of 5, and after your pit guy buckles you in and attaches the steering wheel you stall three times trying to get out to the track.

    Made it up to 5th gear on one of the straight bits, and maybe the best moment was when I was zipping along, hit some oil and the car spun out.  It did a 360 but I pulled out of it and kept driving.  I felt like the coolest girl in the whole world.  Then I smacked the crap out of my right arm trying to cheer for myself and went right back to being Keri.

    I filmed an episode (title pending) and you know, it was maybe my most nervous episode to film to date.  I mean, I am supposed to be concentrating on learning how to do something kinda dangerous, not having my mind elsewhere building an episode.

  • I’m Not Gonna Be Able to Sleep

    Late evening a phonecall came in saying someone had had to give up their ticket tomorrow, did I want it?june 19 2009

    YES.  So I cancelled all my weekend plans and tomorrow I’ll tell you all about it.  I canNOT believe I’m this lucky… since I’m a little girl I’ve been dreaming about doing this.