Cleaned Off My Camera

Here’s some photos I’ve taken over the past weeks but didn’t fit into other posts, so I put them all together:

june 29 2009

Top Row
– when was the last time you saw such a simple remote?  
– that’s the windmill on the CNE grounds, the first urban-sited one in North America. Something I’ve heard before but can’t verify (but the source was okay): when the blade swoops past the base a very low sound frequency is emitted, the exact same one that 2 of 6 speakers in a big movie theatre are dedicated to producing because it’s a sound that heightens awareness in humans (that’s why the movie is always better/scarier/more in the theatre than at home).  So what I’d like to know is, if that’s true, are those who live close to windmills slowly losing their minds?

Middle Row
– I’d like to try wearing shoes like that, and have it on my to-explore list to go to the National Ballet for “Exploring Better Posture” (the time I spent bent over my laptop has me concerned)
– doesn’t the studio look great with the Golden Arches.  Part of that place’s appeal is the ambiance and people watching, it’s always top notch.

Last Row
– That’s as close to Jay and I got to the Fantasy Farm the other day, and it’s out of focus because the rain was making my car shake so badly
– I’m gonna pull over on the 401 before summer’s out and take my photo with that giant flag, love that flag

While a file was uploading (a watched file never uploads) I went for a drive one night.  On the left are people sleeping, just right there like that.  That’s the definition of trust-in-humanity, don’t you think?  I wonder if I could do it.    

On the right is a photo I’ll bet there’s millions of versions of, “oh look honey, such a dichotomy between old arcitecture and the new.  Snap snap”.

About My Birthday

I used to make a huge deal of it, one time I stretched it out to six weeks.

Another year my friend and I had back-to-back birthdays so we threw a party at our house. I’d decided to sew my party outfit, a yellow mini-dress from a 1960s pattern I got at ValueVillage, accessorized with a long white scarf and gloves.

I screwed up and the thing took way longer to make than I’d anticipated.  One hour into the party I’m still upstairs sewing.  Two hours in I’m still there, but now my room is packed with my girlfriends helping me out while the party rages downstairs and everyone knows my birthday outfit is being made by me.

We finally get me into the thing, big entrance time, and I fell down the stairs and collapsed into my party.

Something flipped in me years ago and I no longer like celebrating it, tell no on, it’s not listed on Facebook.  I don’t know why people get all weird about that, telling me I “should have this and that planned”, it’s my day. Here’s what ended up happening.