Category: Uncategorized
Wearing a 20-pound Weight Vest
I’m stab-proof in it.
A Welcome Home Party Last Night
Last night one of my oldest BFFs thew me a welcome-home-from-the-Olympics party and thanks lady, it was fantastic seeing you, and all you ladies, and my throat hurts from laughing.
Look what came with the party… the world’s biggest balloon.
And KeriCDN cookies come ON. -
Hello, I’m President
Today at the Toronto International Bicycle Show I signed my name and became President of my Cycling Team.
I wandered the show with this, aka breakfast:
Meet my team below in, “Exploring Cycling”:
Went to an Art Battle
It’s competitive painting – two people from the crowd compete, the winner is chosen by audience voting and the loser’s painting is destroyed here at The Great Hall.The one on the left won. Below are Casie, Breanna and me.
Click here to watch some more videos Casie made about it.