Category: Uncategorized

  • A Lunch Date

    A quick California Sandwich and dropped him off at work.  When he got in the front seat:

    july 9 2009
    Me: Look how opposite we are, how each of us fills out the seat.
    Him: Yes, you are little, I am big.  You are white, I am black.
    Me: You have a passport, I do not.

    A joke from earlier but it’s true, I don’t; it expired a few months ago.  First time ever, but at least we’ll learn about the renewal process I suppose.  Oh, and he’d put my card like that.

  • Two Quick Things

    july 7 2009

    On the left is Flashpoint being filmed yesterday, I happened upon it on my bike.  The producer I was speaking with said they’ll have been set up there for 12+ hours today and will shoot about 6 pages of the script, about 6 minutes.  

    Ugh, I would not want to have to deal with all that equipment, all those people, and they probably shoot in HD which I’ve stated is ewww.

    On the right is a protest that has been going on since last year.  I know because every few months I make the same mistake… I turn off Lakeshore to go north here and end up on the DVP, and there’s no exits for a long time.  

    Passed it again today coming off the DVP and I still can’t figure out what they’re protesting, but we’ll go stop in one day soon to see.

  • Another Day of Racing

    As IF I’m this lucky.  

    What happened was remember when I went it rained hard all day?  The owner of Bridgestone said he felt bad so he was going to do something he’s not done before… invite us back to have another go at it, for free.  Thank you, Brett.

    It threated to rain all day but didn’t, so no rain, no pressure of making an episode, a dry track… and I was terrible.  I could not get it together.  I don’t know why.  By the end of the day I mostly had, but my friend was calling me “Special Needs Keri of the Put Put Division”.

    july 7 2009

    On the right is me driving home on the 401… you can’t see in the photo but there’s a lot going on… coffee, nail filing, car dancing, Blackberrying, it’s just… after flying around with the equivalent of 500 hp, douching along in the studio is so calm and easy.

  • Quatchi Made It to Oregon

    july 7 2009

    Remember I said I was going to mail him?  There he is with Stiv, my editor at Wend Magazine, the one where I’m a Canadian Ambassador.  

    Hey get this: last month Wend went to work on Tuesday to find their offices totally flooded, click here to see as Anna put it “what a dripping computer monitor looks like”, and they still made their print deadline on Friday and then threw their Bike Bash that night.  Impressive.

  • The BMX Nod

    Okay so ya, there seems to be one: “you have a BMX, I am also riding a BMX, now we nod to one another and continue on”.   Happened again this afternoon.  july 6 2009

    Last week after it happened I did my best curb hop to date and talk about perfect timing eh?  Don’t you just love when that works out, you pull off your best move and keep going?  

    Years ago I was in South Beach and the street was closed for some festival and there were two guys throwing a football in my path.   Approaching I was like, “come on, let me, just once”  and he wouldn’t and his friend was yelling “ya let her throw it, ya” and walking towards us.  

    So he’s like, “eww, here”, I kick off my shoes and then the most perfect spiral I ever threw came out, over the guy and onto the boulevard across the street.  I almost exploded.  But you can’t.  You just have to slip your shoes back on and go into the restaurant with the tiniest of smirks.