Category: Uncategorized

  • Went for a Little Drive

    I had to get away from my desk for a sec tonight, so I went for a drive.

    3 squeegy guys OCD’ out on my car, their words, then I passed, get this, at least 15 firetucks. I turned around, I had to know.

    Me: How come there are so many of you everywhere?
    Firefighter: There was a fire
    Me: Oh
    Me: What burned down?
    Him: Nothing burned down
    Me: Oh
    Me: What was on fire?
    Him: A house [walks away]

    I went to find the house, look:

    july 13 2009
    It was like walking into daylight.  And there’s the inside of a fire truck, you don’t get to see that everyday.  There were emergency people everywhere, an EMS bus, some other rubberneckers like me.  

    It was a house on Fermanagh Avenue, no one got hurt, but it was such a big fire (3-alarm) it took them over an hour to extinguish. 

  • Nothing Much to Report Today

    Because I had that “I don’t wanna touch a computer for a few days” thing happening, today was “I’m stuck doing catch-up all day”.  Dullllll.  New episode coming tomorrow though.

  • Look, I’m On a Giant Razor

    july 12 2009

    It’s like a mechanical bull, but shaped like razor.  Schick was a big sponsor at the Indy, and that’s where the below moustache photo came from, too.

    When I try this again I’m gonna use my left arm, it’s better and am not sure why I used my right.  

    The girl in charge said I lasted 31 seconds, but when I reviewed the footage that’s not right, it was 21. Maybe they pad the numbers to make you feel good and buy razors?  I asked and the longest someone has lasted was 1:10+, wow.

  • This Is What’s Coming Soon

    july 12 2009
    Meet Nick, he’s in charge of all Honda Motorcycle event stuff and the one who’s gonna take me out for a lesson on that bike there, a Honda CBR 125.  It’s been a bit since I’ve been on a bike, and it’s no secret I love them (had this in my head to do for a long time, and there’s also this).  

    I had a Ninja for a couple summers years ago, just a 250, but haven’t been on one since. As I typed that I realized the last four weeks have had a prevalent motor-head theme, huh; nice.  And thanks Nick, for getting me into the Indy.