Category: Uncategorized

  • Got a Fanny Pack

    Finally found a simple one at the mall for just $11.  It’s so I don’t always have to wear my backpack on my bike because usually all I take are my phone and keys.

    Spies wear these all the time when they’re undercover in the field; it’s important for them to keep their documents on their person at all times.  The real commited ones wire them to their belt loops. 

  • Read Along from Left to Right

    july 28 2009

    – should I say it aloud?

    – okay…   I’m   burned   out.

    – think I’m gonna unplug and go offline for a little bit 

  • Me Today

    july 28 2009

    Found that fluorescent guy on my roof after I parked, so I left the windows down a little hoping he’ll move on inside and be my new traveling companion.

  • Did Some Golf

    I don’t even really like golf… the last time I hit a ball was with my brother in Ottawa.  But I’d got it in my head that just once I had to hit the driving range this summer, so I did tonight:

    july 27 2009
    I’m at the Andy Bathgate Golf Range owned by Andy, an ex-Leaf’s player who, ready?… scored the winning goal in the seventh game to take the Stanley Cup in 1964.  We were chatting and I debated but didn’t ask him for a photo because it felt like I’d be offending him. I think he’s way more into golf now.

  • Two Twitter Things

    Last night Rory, the official Real Estate Agent of ‘The Canadian Explorer’, recommended me to Mr. Tweet_Alert  and said that kind thing.  Thanks dude!  Read about our chance first meeting here

    july 27 2009

    And that tag cloud is apparently what I’ve most Twittered (ha!) about.  I was smirking when I did that because I was like, “hmph, I could be the most inconsistent girl ever, let’s see what comes out of this”.  Not bad… glad exploring is in there, and editing, and the CDN spelling of ‘centre’.