Category: Uncategorized

  • Went to America for Dinner

    august 18 2009

    I accidentally found this place, the Shops at Don Mills when I got lost a month ago and I was like, woah this is what the States looks like, it’s like I went through a wormhole and emerged below the 49th.  That was 1am so I went back today when there were people and stuff open.  The photos are not translating this at all, and I can’t really put my finger on why it is, but it just does feel like you’re in the USA.  

    Don Mills was North America’s first fully-planned community built right after the WW2, and based on these 5 design principles never before implemented in Canada.

    Cool logo, eh? They’re calling themselves ‘Ontario’s first and finest outdoor lifestyle centre’ that has a ‘lovely Town Square’ and WOAH OKAY SO… as I was researching and I just found that my Top 3 Authors, Douglas Coupland, is the one who made that clock, bottom right.  No wonder I liked it so much.  And that’s a weird connection based on my next blog post. 

  • Dinner

    august 17 2009

    After, my friend and I were walking along:

    Me: I just figured it out, why bus stops are made of glass
    Him: Why’s that?
    Me: Because then you can’t get trapped inside and beaten up because people can see in; keeps you safe
    Him: I think it’s so the people inside can see the bus coming, Keri
    Me: Oh

    Then we drove through ‘The Bridle Path‘, I’ve never been and if you haven’t either OMG you must, click here for a good article.

    It’s gotta be THE richest suburb in the country.  My jaw was scraping the ground as I drove sloooowly through, but upon further thought I don’t know why I was so surprised, like, this is the richest city in Canada and so the richest people have to live somewhere.  

    Click here to see photos of an old fashioned one for sale, 6.25 million, here to see a modern one the Star called “the most technologically sophisticated residence in Canada”, and click here to meet some people that live here.

    My latest idea is to go back and poster up the place advertising my services as a house sitter.  Ya, the security guaranteed to be patrolling around the area won’t mind that. 

  • Me Today

    august 16 2009

    I’m en route to a bridal shower in Mississauga where I gave the bride-to-be an iPhone case and fanny pack.  They went over well.  

    Going home I took the wrong on-ramp and was all, “oh ya, glad to be on this side, look at all that traffic WOAH welcome to Burlington?”.  

    And look, my dress is driving.

  • Exact Model and Make

    august 14 2009

    It was sitting outside after I fed the cat.  It’s sometimes what I use for motivation when I don’t feel like going for a run.

  • I Was in Charge of a Cat Today

    august 14 2009
    My friend is out-of-town so I went to feed her cat.  Cats are alright if you can deal with the hair everywhere (I can’t).  Cats are no ClipClop.

    And there’s something you don’t see everyday, a 13th floor in a highrise.  Why you wouldn’t skip it like everywhere else is confusing to me.  And on account of the presence of a 14th floor it may be concluded the builder is not Asian.