Taken the Exact Moment I Hit ‘Send’

january 27 2009
My Discovery guy today sent me Jon’s email, the guy in charge of all things internet at CTV.  So using his name from the email I went through the switchboard, found him, and now we are booked for coffee this Thursday!

This all happened while waiting for Jody at Starbucks, who then helped me with my business card design… by deleting a lot of it.  

Jody: Do you really need your photo? 
Keri:  Ya, I’m like a real estate agent that way.
Jody: No.
Jody: Where’s your email?
Keri:  Woah, I totally forgot it.
Jody: It’s alright, they’ll just use your BB PIN here.
Us:    Cackle cackle. 

Exploring The PATH

Tonight I went on a scavenger hunt through The PATH organized by the Toronto Exploration Society .

The Eaton Company started The PATH back in 1900 and now the thing is 27km long, making the world’s largest underground complex. And today is the final day of the week-long “world’s largest underground sidewalk sale”.  

We had to find and photograph 30 different things in the fastest time possible.  Winner: 1.6 hours, me: double that.  I got lost, really.  Betcha I had more fun though.january 23 2009

Apple Pie Recipe

Follow along from left to right:

– Before.january 20 2009

– Ewww, why did I agree to this? Now is probably not the time to tell them I loathe fruit.  Sucking it up.

– Ha, got out of taking the skins off.

– Might not be in the clear.  Now the cores have to come out.  And they don’t have a little machine to do it, I asked.

– Chris showing me how to “core an apple”.  Then he hovered over me while I did because “watching you use a knife is kinda terrifying, Keri”.

– Now you make lemon rind using this grater.
Jim: Push harder Keri, have you never done this before?
Me: No, never.
Jim: Okay, you know what a lemon is right?  I mean, how far back do you want me to go here?

– Hey Jim painted all these; pretty, eh! I had no idea he could do that.  Even though I’ve seen these paintings 500 times.

– Get instructions how to roll out dough.  You wanna do it as fast as you can.

– Take a break to watch Michelle and Obama’s first dance.  We loved it when he added in that little leg kick.

– Get back to eating dough.

– Look what I found! It’s a steel machete with the handle made by folding over the bottom.

– If I ever bake again I’m gonna use this thing from start to finish.

– Now have Jim pour the fruit into the crust.

– Decorate the top of the pie.  Really take your time to avoid…

– … the dishes.  It works.

– Tada! Jim put the American flag on the pie, I made the new First Family. 

– Jim

– Chris

Then we served it with some ice cream and you know, it was a good feeling to feed people.  Kinda get it now.

Just Re-Read This

No Coins, Please‘ by (Canadian) Gordon Korman.  This was a favorite book as a kid. january 17 2009

Now here’s something: it was retardly hard to find.  It took years of serious used-book store and flea-market vigilance; I actually got a bit obsessive about it.  It was like the book had just vanished.  

So when I searched for it at Chapters.ca, to link it up above, I was surprised to see they had an abundance of copies.  So now I’m wondering if it’s been re-edited and would like to read the new version and test that theory.