This could be my all-time-favorite photo of myself.august 25 2007
Category: photos
Exploring a Recycling Plant
I’m at Kimco, a premiere recycling facility which the Canadian Recycling Association has awarded “The Most Outstanding Recycling Operation in Canada”. The place is like ‘Giant Land’ in Super Mario 3.
See that thing in the top photo? That’s their brand-new, only-a-few-in-the-world-exist shredder. A car goes in one end and then, with zero human help, gets separated into its parts (plastic / carpet / glass, etc). We’re gonna come back to see that. And to weigh the studio, just for fun.august 21 2007
I know this sounds unthinkable, but I did not see the nightmare audio coming; most of the footage is un-useable. Plus when I filmed this I hadn’t slept in 2 days so I’m more retarded than usual. And what was I thinking wearing a black turtleneck? Check out my disembodied-head look.
Me Today
august 20 2007
Exploring a Hell Hole
Not far from Centerville are the Hell Holes Nature Trails and Caves. You descend 25 feet into a giant, naturally formed cave that scares the crap out of you when you realize you’re all alone and haven’t seen anyone else outside anywhere.august 16 2007
After that there’s a 3.2km walk through different kinds of nature (hills, swamp, plain-y area) to return to your car, which I did not do well at because I’m not good at nature.
Me Today
august 14 2007