Every Home Needs a Bit of Canadiana

Went for a long walk this afternoon… started up on Bloor Street then ambled all the way down Yonge.  And look:march 8 2009


HOW perfect are these shoes for me?  They’re by DSquared2, one of our country’s premiere designers.  And that photo on the right is the latest, and my favorite, addition to my Canadian postcard collection.  It’s made by Hotzee, a Canadian company which I’ve added to my “to visit” list.  I’ve got to hang a few more up then I’ll post a photo of them all.  

Okay, a confession here… I have zero resistance when it comes to buying tacky souvenirs, always have.  And I really lose it in truck stops.  During my cross country trip it’ll be tough, I know it.  

I’m gonna have to start holding contests, “Hey!  Enter to win all these precious things I’ve collected!”.  I did exercise some restraint today though, the below two photos on the left are things I left at the store:

Pretty nice neck pillow, eh?  That’s a mirror and key-chain holder in the middle.  The book, So, You Want to be Canadian is something I will buy though, but it was locked up in the store today.

Worked the Nickelback Show

Oddly enough I got the exact same post as for Alan Jackson.  Like, 3 of us flipped a coin and still.  So I’m pals with the zambonie guys now… one of them gave me that toque and another some pizza covered in onions, thanks guys!  

Tonight the dressing room was used by the guys in charge of all the pyro and explosions. CO2 is used to make those geysers that shoot 25 feet in the air.

Did you know how many big big hits Nickelback has had?  Holy crap I didn’t.  I kept going, “this one too is them?”.  And top right is the band’s travelling washer and dryer; they use Tide.march 2 2009

Work Last Night

I’m at WinterCity in Nathan Phillips Square.  From left to right:  

That’s me and my ship.  From my post I could see the show well, the one where hell realm beings appeared and strolled through the crowd.

Then I got shipped off to outside The Stills dressing room.  Later I left them to it and wandered City Hall, found the Mayor’s office and then this crest.  Didn’t know Toronto had it’s own crest.  Our motto is “Diversity: Our Strength”.

That last photo is of the signboard that tells you the things available inside City Hall; feel-goodery found here.