Exploring Casa Loma

Instead of waiting at the mechanics I walked up to Casa Loma.  The place is fantastic, it was my first time ever there.september

In 1911 Sir Henry Pellatt (super rich Toronto guy) decided he would like to have a castle, so $3.5 million and 3 years later he had one.  He even had an electric car in his garage.  That’s puzzling.

The secret passageways were the best.  Lots of movies have been filmed here, including ‘X-Men’, ‘The Tuxedo’ and ‘The Love Guru’.

Exploring Parkour

I’m with Dan Iaboni, the founder of Canada’s largest parkour community, pkTO.ca.  We’re at Cloud Gardens, a kinda hidden park in downtown Toronto.
Real brief, parkour is getting from point A to point B as efficiently as possible, as if you were in an emergency.
And yes, that’s actually David Belle, inventor of parkour, in MY video.  Dan has travelled with him and gave me the footage, saying “I’ve been holding onto this but you Keri, can have it”.  Sick, thanks Dan.june 6 2008
This is the second episode I made for CBC.