Operation Doors Open

Ryan, of DearToronto.com and I went to the HMCS York Naval Reserve down on Lakeshore Blvd.  This is the first time I’ve ever explored with anyone, and he filmed too.

I didn’t watch his video until I was done mine and it’s funny, we used a lot of the same footage – watch his below.  I especially love how he used the part where I’m like, “uhoh, I’m chewing gum on camera again” because oops I am.may 23 2009

Exploring the Toronto Star

I went to Canada’s highest-circulation newspaper printing plant this morning and guess what?  The place is run by robots, like the one above.  Guess what else?  When you get your paper you are only the second human to ever touch it, the first is the delivery person.  

I read up on the Atkinson Principles before going and the place reflected them, I thought.  Recently, internet stations around the plant were installed where they ready? didn’t restrict any sites.  The Star’s been in business for 117 years.january 28 2009

Probably the best part was how the papers travel by roller coaster.  The whole placed smells good like a Sharpie.  Thanks again for the tour, Mark.  And for the pen that lights up, too.

(quick aside: I read The Star online and find it interesting that consistently day after day horoscopes is always in the top 5 clicked things overall). 

Big snowstorm today:

Exploring The PATH

Tonight I went on a scavenger hunt through The PATH organized by the Toronto Exploration Society .

The Eaton Company started The PATH back in 1900 and now the thing is 27km long, making the world’s largest underground complex. And today is the final day of the week-long “world’s largest underground sidewalk sale”.  

We had to find and photograph 30 different things in the fastest time possible.  Winner: 1.6 hours, me: double that.  I got lost, really.  Betcha I had more fun though.january 23 2009

Exploring ‘BrickWorks’

I’m at Brickworks, a brick-making factory founded in 1889 and functional until the mid 1980s when the clay ran out.  Now Evergreen, a Canadian not-for-profit environmental organization, is restoring the place into a community destination.  

Above I call the group ‘The Explorers Group of Toronto’ but I’m wrong; it’s called ‘The Toronto Exploration Society‘ and they’re fun and interesting; come join us!december 7 2008 

Here’s more of Kevin’s photos, and thanks to motionblur for organizing.