Canada’s Most-Read Military Blog

It’s a group blog called The Torch.  The name comes from a line in the poem, “In Flanders Fields”… “to you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high”.

I heard about big-time contributer Damian Brooks while on the ship and get this, our Military likes his stuff so much they shipped him to cover and blog about Afghanistan.  Click here for his first post about that.

I introduced myself on email last week and sent him my posts about my time on the ship, and he replied he wasn’t that surprised I’d had such a good time, and then he summed up my experience very well:

“Most civilians are really amazed the first time they get immersed in the Canadian Forces: the people are great, hyper-professional, and for the most part they’re stoked about what they’re doing – it’s catchy.  As a buddy of mine says, “the company of soldiers (or sailors) is a tonic to the soul.”

He’s sooo right.  Even though I was with them for just two nights I’m still feeling effects of being on the ship.  That’s why I tweeted last week “the ship was good for me”.  

The good news is I like to keep things balanced and so will have to do both “Exploring the Air Force” and “Exploring the Army”.

He kindly put my episode up on his site, click here to read what he had to say.  

Thank you, Damian.