Booked a Most Exciting Exploration Today

Meet Geoff Green:april 24 2009

[photo by Tyler Kuhn]     
I read this morning that the Green Living Show was held this weekend at the Direct Energy Centre.  So I’m clicking through the itenerary and see Geoff is speaking at 2pm: a member of The Explorer’s Club and real life Explorer, one of the top 5 in Canada.

After his presentation I went up and introduced myself, told him how I too was an explorer [and gestured with my hands to show the difference between us] and hey, I’d like to interview you in my car for an episode for my show, what do you think?

And Geoff said YES.  Interestingly, he didn’t seem phased I wanted to film in my car, didn’t even acknowledge it… 

Then we were chatting about The Explorer’s Club and I mentioned the video I’d watched where a member rode his horse into the Waldorf Astoria during their annual dinner and Geoff said he was there for that, nice.  

I’m pumped; like, this guy is a big deal, read a good bio here.  He said he’d like to discuss the definition of “explorer” and what that means / should mean.  I’ll ask him about him leading over 100 expeditions to the Arctic and Antartica with his organization Students on Ice, his sweet boat, and any advice he may have for my trip.  After everything he’s done my jaunt cross-country in a car would be be peanuts for him.

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