
  • About the Intro Filming

    Total bust.  An appointment got moved on me so I was hours late, the sun was almost down, it was not in my heart so not in my eyes, and then later tonight when I went over to Casie’s she’d told me to bring my outfit, I held it up and she walked away from it, turned and declared “yup, from over here it looks like you’re naked” OMG did not see that coming.  

    She gave me in a white dress to wear instead and I’ll stick up some screenshots of the whole disaster when I can bring myself to look at the footage.  Yes I’m being a bit of a baby about the whole thing, but you would too if you looked at the weather report and didn’t own the clothes in the footage, got the offputting news I did and forgot to do your big finish move involving the confetti in your trunk.  

    Kay I’m done thxbye.

  • Hair Today

    Thanks, Rose!  Especially for the laughs.  

  • Images of Canada

    – someone agrees with me that crinoline and Canada go together!  That’s the Dreamers Cafe in Port Hope.  

    Get this: in 1995 when Quebec was thinking aloud about separating owner Roger ran and biked from Barrie, Ontario to Eel River Crossing, Nova Scotia, collected 200 000 signatures along the way, forked it over to the House of Commons and called it the “Canada Can Campaign”.  So sick, Roger.

    – we’re just chilling

    – Jody gave me that tube thing today, her birthday gift to me and wait till you see SUCH a good gift.  Thanks again lady.

  • Me Today

    Kay I love this thing.

  • My Crinoline for Filming Tomorrow

    It’s from Original on Queen West, thanks Simon!  

    Click here and here to learn more; it’s like, the Ferrari of crinolines.