
  • Me Today

    Edge Codes – a movie Alex made about editing, featuring the George Lucas, and click here to see another George interview Alex all about it on ‘The Hour‘.

    Synopsis – “The Art of Motion Picture Editing.  Through interviews and clips, this fascinating documentary explorers the finer art, history and science of film editing”. –

    It cleaned up on “Official Selection” awards including the Hong Kong Festival, and when I said he made it like, director / writer / editor / producer yup.

  • The Sheraton Shot

    I really like the left photo for no real reason, I’m now calling this ‘The Sheraton Shot‘. Seems a collection is starting.

    Thanks Luca, for these photos from – the Official Nuit Blanche Photography Outfit.

  • Meet MY EDITOR

    It’s official as of dinner tonight, please welcome Alex Shuper as ‘The Official Editor of The Canadian Explorer’. 

    We met at CBC and unbelievably he said yes to do the Blog Party episode which is HUGE because… a lot will be going on with that (more another time).

    Ate of course at Terroni we caught up on over a year and THANK YOU ALEX.  For those unfamiliar with editing, Alex just signed up for a large amount of work hours, and he knows I am picky.

    This is good news for my guests too because I’d almost had myself convinced that it’d be funny if I just screened my Intro.. “that’s it, thanks for coming 0:18 seconds everyone”, come on, that’s funny, real douchie, but funny.  Instead there’ll be 15 minutes.

    >>>>> November 17 Resevoir Lounge and later Tyler sings jazz) <<<<<