
  • A Lot of Diamonds

    That’s Keith (who you’ve met before) and we’re at his diamond setter’s, that’s Berge waving at the end.  He’s Canada’s premiere diamond setter, neat eh?  

    I got it wrong in the Twitvid description, there’s even more diamonds in there than I said.  And I was the first person to wear the thing ever, ha.  The clasp was super tight and Keith, “woah, I think I just sold this to Keri”.

    That window is facing north; you always want to face north because that’s the best light for inspecting diamonds. 

  • Closing Gala of LG Fashion Week

    I’m at Hoax Couture’s closing show for LG Fashion Week – “25 of Canada’s premiere fashion designers are each creating a spectacular outfit from fabrics sourced in Africa. They’re using the powers of fashion for good and helping the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa”.  

    It was in support of Stephen Lewis Foundation, one of Canada’s top philanthropists.  They called it Dare to Wear Love, click that link for more info and to please give.  And congratulations Hoax, you guys crushed it tonight to a packed house!

    Aren’t they so cute?

    That’s Chris and Jim, you’ve met them before from that time we went to Caribana, and that other time Jim made me bake a pie.  I’ve also got footage of them from, ready?  2007.  I know, gonna dial in the way-back machine and use it in the episode I filmed tonight. 

    Meet Tom, my producer for the evening, and by day… Rick Mercer’s.  Thanks, Tom!

    [click here and here for two Twitpics from tonight]

  • Everything’s Broken

    That Blackberry photo was taken with my new camera that I have to return because the… audio doesn’t work.  Look how well I’m taking it.  

    I’d have shown you how my laptop keeps crashing, but I don’t wanna Photoshop that.

  • Me Today

    Hello, I’m meta.