
  • Why I Remember

    I went to the big ceremony at Old City Hall, to show appreciation and to remember, not to document.

    What I’ve always said is you don’t have to agree with why our troops are where they are, but you do need to support them regardless.  

    During his speech Mayor Miller said the same thing and when he did the sun came out, and so I took a photo.

    My eyes were leaking a lot during the ceremony, I just love Canada so much.  

    And it’s just…. 120 000 Canadians have died for us since WW1 doing a job I could not, so instead I can be free to galavant around having an internet show, doing as I please.  

    Thank you veterans, very sincerely.

    I’ve embedded below my episode from Canada Day.  I encourage you to fast forward to 0:51 and renew your oath as a Canadian citizen.  It takes only 11 seconds.

  • Uhoh

    It’s been like this for hours.

  • ‘Blog Party’ Reconnaissance

    Went over to the Reservoir Lounge since tonight is exactly almost what it will be like next week.  And thanks again, Ray.

    Then I plotted.

    And kay, was told this tonight and I jackknifed… a friend was talking to another friend:

    Friend 1 – You going to Keri’s ‘Blog Party’?
    Friend 2 – Are you kidding no way, so dumb, do you even know what a ‘Blog Party’ is?
    Friend 1 – No, you should tell me
    Friend 2 – It’s where everyone sits in a room typing into their computers at each other about how they feel

    I LOLed as I typed that.

    Friend 2 you’re funny but wrong.  It’s all about the screening, which I’ll start probably around 7:15ish just FYI.

  • Green Screen Studio Complete

    A friend helped me set up the lights today, and holy crap do you even know how hot it is under them?

    Here’s the first image of me in my new studio!