Kay lighting this thing is harder than I thought. See the big shadow behind me? That’s bad. I think I need just one more light, for me, “the subject”.
Doesn’t the one on the right look like my mug shot?
Kay lighting this thing is harder than I thought. See the big shadow behind me? That’s bad. I think I need just one more light, for me, “the subject”.
Doesn’t the one on the right look like my mug shot?
Remember when Chris and I went to Stratford one Sunday afternoon? He emailed me today his Flickr set of photos, here’s a couple of my favourites.
Me in front of what would be house, in this tiny town we found.
The title of this one made me laugh, Chris called it, “Now He’s on a Blog” because that’s basically what I tell people after I let them approve their photo, like I’m doing here, “there, now you’ll be on my blog”.
Click here to learn about his truck behind us.
And click here to see the whole set on Flickr. Thanks for putting them up, Chris.
One Blackberry for each hand:
It’s my replacement, and arrived today.
Now I’ll be able to Twitter again from it, play FourSquare, make phonecalls.
Top left clockwise:
– the very first sketch I ever made for this website design
– remember those? I bet it couldn’t even text
– that’s a photo text a friend of mine received… pretty boring pic, eh. Why is it interesting? Because the sender spent $15 to get it to her. Ya, I know.
– somewhere I want to go… that’s the HQ of Steve Mann… he’s a Canadian who was one of the first people to ever broadcast his life online. He pioneered wearable computers (seriously, click this) and coined the term sousveillance. I’ve been a fan since the 90s when I read about in Wired Magazine; I’d probably get a bit tongue tied. Click here to see where that is on a map so you can go, too.