
  • Nothing is Working Today

    Filming what I have to, with my green screen, is tanking so bad.  

    Maybe that’s why the big actor names get paid the big bucks.  But mostly I think it’s like hush money, paid to be quiet about how much money the studios actually make worldwide.

    Also I got into some trouble today, nothing I can’t fix by noon tomorrow and it could’ve been far worse and it wasn’t, so lucky, but still.  The end. 

  • Using a Green Screen

    Final Cut Pro makes it pretty easy… make sure to add a green gradient background in, really makes a difference.  My screen is just an Ikea blanket.

    The key is the sit further away from the screen then you think, and make sure the subject (you) have your own light. 

  • Green Screen is Tougher than I Thought

    This giant shadow is killing me.

    It makes it all pixelized.

    I’m ethereal.

    Now I’m a ghost.

  • At 4pm Today…

    … I had an excellent 13 minute phone conversation.  That is all about that.

    Unrelated, I said no to a box at the Raptor’s game tonight to instead stay in and beat the green screen.  Game on.