
  • The CDN Geese in the Eaton Centre

    You know, the ones hanging by artist Michael Snow.  See a better photo here.

    Fun Fact: in 1981 the Eaton Centre tied red ribbons around their necks for the holiday season.  Mr. Snow was like, “ahhh no, that compromises the integrity of my work, this distortion is not okay”.  

    So they fought each other all the way up to the Ontario High Court of Justice, which agreed with the artist, and so Canada’s Copyright Act was changed to say you couldn’t just alter an artist’s work even after you bought and owned it.  Read more about it all here.

  • My ‘Samsung Mobile Explorers’ Contest Entry

    Voting is now closed, click here to see how I placed… 5th!!

    Samsung is the ‘Official Mobile Olympic Partner’ with their new phone, the OMNIA II.  So they are hosting a contest to send 5 teams of 2 out to Vancouver for 3 weeks to report for them, and come ON how perfect a fit is this?! 

    Above is my video entry… and HEY SAMSUNG PEOPLE!  I’m the team you want, what your rules asked us to do in our entries is what I’ve been doing for yearsss, Mike too (that’s my team, Mike and I, ‘The CDN Explorers’).

    And also Samsungclick here to meet me in 18 seconds when I sum it up for you, in song, click here for maybe my favourite episode, “Exploring the CDN Navy”, and here for the ‘Blog Party’ video I’m referencing in my entry.

    And here’s the TwitVid from the video.


  • Screenshots from Editing

    On the left, how’s that for a classic Toronto shot? 

    Below I’m at Bay and Adelaide, heart of Canada’s financial district.  I edited out the part where I said, “phft, I’m way more type A then these Bay Street guys”, even though I probably am.