Exciting! Vote for me too please, here’s how.
Go here: Bloggies.com and scrolll to the right looking for the below form. You must nominate 3 blogs in total for your entry to be valid.
Copy and paste this:
Nominee: KeriCDN
URL: www.TheCanadianExplorer.com
Nominee: KeriCDN
URL: http://kericdn.tumblr.com/
Nominee: KeriCDN
URL: http://kericdn.wordpress.com/
Neither of those second two URLs are any good, I’m just making it easy for you to vote.
Scroll all the way right, enter your email, you’re done. No signup required!
Voting closes January 12.
Good luck to me!
[funny how it says there at the top Photojunkie can’t be nominated… meet the Hall of Fame-r when we made an episode, ‘Exploring CDN Blogging‘.