
  • January 14 – “Live at 5”

    Today we explore Canada’s largest ever-in-history privately funded art park.  Located in Cityplace and funded by Li Ka-shing, one of the world’s richest men, philanthropist and cool guy, and designed by my ‘Top 3 Authors of my life’ Douglas Coupland.  Click his name there to find all blog mentions of him.

    Haiti needs your help, please text 45678 to donate $5.

    And we talk to Canadians about the upcoming Olympics.

    Thanks for tuning in, and please send in photos of your favourite places in Canada!  You can email them to me at: Keri @  TTYT!

  • Recording Audio for Tonight’s “Live at 5”

    It’s news-y sounding, for the beginning.


  • Behind-The-Scenes of the First ‘Live at 5’

    1 – this is being not “camera ready”, even though for once I actually tried.  Didn’t realize how bad my microphone was altering things.  There’s a lot going on for this 1.5 minutes.  I’ve gotta new respect for the daily news people

    2 – I’m kneeling; because my green screen studio is so tiny, I must

    3 – It floors me how hot those construction lights become.  I don’t understand how they’re not starting fires all over the place everyday.  

  • My First EVER “Live at 5”

    A test of my latest invention, “Live at 5”. 

    It’s information light and long, I know, it’ll get heavier and better as I figure out a system for doing this. Everyday.

    Click here to meet Keith in an episode and learn about diamonds; he’s the ‘Official Gemologist of The Canadian Explorer’.

    Leave comments and suggestions please, and send photos of your favourite place in Canada so I can green screen it!
