
  • January 21 – Live at Five

    Back to ‘The Canadian Explorer’ roots today, driving around in the studio.

    My airline ticket arrived in my email yesterday!  I’m getting shipped out February 11, back March 1 for the Olympics.  Thank you,  

    Then we pass Hearn Generating Station whose smokestack is the 2nd tallest object in Toronto.  Click that link to see inside, and click here for the video of the same (fast forward to 0:23).

    We visit the Cheltenham Badlands where @Photojunkie (Rannie Turingan) and I went last summer.  There’s a giant version of this in Alberta, and it looks like it does because in the 1930s it was over-farmed. 

    Come meet me here on Queen St. West tomorrow between 12:30-1:15pm to say hi to Canada, kay!

    Thanks for watching, TTYT.

  • Coffee with Ben

    Meet Ben Lucier, and you gotta see the homepage of his blog because it just does not get old for me.

    He gave me my 100-word assignment today: internet things and Bell.  He’s a VoIP expert and right now I’m regretting not taking notes; let’s see how my memory does.

    Thanks again dude for trying to get me into 151 Front Street; if that works OMG.

  • What 100 Words Looks Like

    See?  Little.  

    The red arrow is pointing at Peter MacKay, our Minister of National Defence

    He’s known as a ladies man on Parliament Hill and was chosen 8 years in a row as ‘Canada’s Sexiest Male MP’ by The Hill Times, ha.  

  • My Assignment I Gave Myself

    The Assignment: 100 Words About Yoga

    Title: I’ve Started Yoga

    The Words: 

    Specifically hot yoga, and now that I’ve experienced it I can’t imagine doing it cold.  I go here: Moksha Yoga Downtown.  I think it’ll be good for my head, plus I can’t argue with something 5000+ years old.  

    You shouldn’t talk during the hour long class and I’m terrible at relaxing, there’s nothing to focus on except your breath, so your world gets small and really, I’ve never thought about breathing before even though it’s always happening.  I’m a shallow breather.  

    I’m also crooked.  Not like, “I wanna swindle ya” crooked, but physically, from always being bent over my laptop.  You’re probably reading this online so don’t be like me, sit up straight!

    This morning I told my teacher she’s the most bendy person I know, because she is.



    (watch Jan. 20 – “Live at 5” for why I’m doing this)

  • January 20 – Live at Five

    At Cherry Beach talking about things I have to do, about yoga, and some babbling.

    This is a very simple episode, hardly any editing because I’m taking it back to scratch to figure out a more efficient system of doing this.

    The 100-word-assignments are in preparation for when I go to the Olympics and have to write 100-word article each day for the paper Vancouver 24hrs.

    Thanks for tuning in today, TTYT!