
  • Grocery Shopping

    In today’s news was a story of a video about milk-in-bags that went viral.  Turns out those of us in parts of Canada are unique because we drink milk from 1.33L bags.  

    Here’s the video by Sheryl Ng.

    And here’s my new friend on the right.  That shouldn’t have made me laugh as hard as it did.

  • Quick Update

    I’ll tell ya all about it, photos and the episode tommorrow, I’ve still gotta shoot some more stuff and right now I’m off to bed, sooo tired.  A video / day is proving to be harder than I anticipated, just saying.

    My camera officially broke this morning, so I had to scramble to get the footage off of it, then take care of replacing everything, which I did.

    I’ve also got some new Olympic story ideas to tell you about, and my feet have still not touched the ground from being now a part of Canada Goose and a company that’s so… me-ish.

    Night, TTYT.

  • My Camera is Dead to Me

    During today’s exploration everything was in order.  But now my camera is refusing to send the files to my laptop.  

    Jody saved me and somehow got them off and is at this moment putting them on a USB drive for me.

    While she does that right now I’m trying on her sunglasses.


    New camera tomorrow coming, it’s no longer optional.