I’m Accredited…
… first official video assignment today, my name in print, working for Canada’s biggest blog, I did it.
Kay I gotta get outta here before I puddle. TTYL.
To the Media Centre
You’ll see this place on TV, the place with the zip line, and my media centre is underneath.
First Trip to Downtown
Vancouver 24 Hours gave me a bus pass, all right. I took that shot while the bus was moving, pretty good timing, eh.
That’s Mia, she was my guide to get there and is the newspaper’s IT person, yes lady, another geek girl.
And there I am, me downtown and, guys, the vibe is amazing like… pure. Can’t wait to explore tomorrow, and really get into it and kay I gotta stop now because my eyes are tearing up as I type that and I’m in the media centre with people all around because picking up my press pass was my first stop, which I’ll blog now.
I’m In This!
En route to downtown this lady handed me a copy of today’s Vancouver 24 Hours which contains my first ever article, which I told her. My cover is so cute! Here’s another pic.Saved that copy and am waiting to read it on camera together, hopefully later tonight.