I duct-taped my mircophone to a screwdriver.september 12 2007
Me Today
september 9 2007
Okay september 8 2007
OkayAt the beginning of July I created a Yahoo email and put it in my intro. Then for weeks I checked it everyday but never once did anyone ever write me and so I stopped checking and forgot all about it until tonight.
I opened it up and found 2 emails; the first was from Current.com asking me to call them, and the second was from CBC asking me to call them too!!!
I am out-of-breath from jumping up and down screaming.
Exploring Niagara Falls
I met Tony and Hector there, my BFFs from South Beach, to party and take in an Ann-Margret show.We were mesmerized by the Falls, the most powerful waterfall in North America, and even they had to admit the Canadian side trumped the American one. We Journeyed Behind the Falls and rode the Maid of the Mist.
I love this place, the kitschiness really does it for me. We went on a giant ferris wheel, bought tacky souvenirs, lost money at the casino, and toured a haunted house.
Those things are terrifying (except when Hector lost his sandal; we collapsed in giggles and the scary guy came out of character to help us find it).
Exploring a Fair
september 6 2007
I’m at a typical local summer fair. This is by far my most favorite episode to date because I finally got it to look like it does in my head.