
  • Me Today

    september 24 2007

  • More On CBC

    Even though Johnny is positive and motivated it seems it’s not as easy as it is in my head.  You know, a lot of red tape and other stuff that confuses me.

    I had to sign a release form to keep this party going.  The 5th point basically states that even if CBC has something in the works today, or forever from now, that even remotely resembles my show they owe me nothing.  

    I tried to have that amended but turns out that’s not possible. So begrudgingly I signed my name… using my worst signiture ever. september 21 2007

  • Exploring a Plowing Match

    I’m at Canada’s largest outdoor agricultural exhibition, the International Plowing Match in Bruce County.  It’s a big deal, like, the PM was here earlier this week trying his hand at plowing furrows.  

    This exploration didn’t work out since it wasn’t until I got there and was surrounded by logos of companies who’ve never heard of me did I realize I was totally effed.   september 20 2007

  • I Met With CBC Today!

    I was early so I was exploring around the building and going down the escalator and Johnny, the guy who emailed me, was going up when he recognized me, ha, serendipity.  

    We walked down the street for a coffee, got along real well, and I’m not gonna be able to stop smiling for a long time.september 18 2007

  • Me Today

    Taken just before I went for a very very long walk to cool off.  

    It takes a lot to make me angry but this douche of a human really went for it.  Congratulations f**ktard, and way to ruin something I loved.  september 14 2007