
  • Exploring Streeters

    I thought I’d make an episode asking the citizens of Toronto to tell me what I should be exploring, and then go do whatever they told me to.  

    If I do this again I’ll refine my question, it was too vague. And I’ll dress warmer, too.march 17 2008

  • I’m Off To A Cotillion

    Nooo, I’m not.  Because I moved so quickly a bunch of my crap got chucked in my friend’s basement until I could come back and deal with it, which I did this weekend.  And I found this; it’s one of those Disney dresses.march 16 2008

  • I’m Part of a Union?

    That’s a first.  I just noticed on my paystub it says I’m paying union dues.  Huh.march 12 2008

  • Me Today

    march 10 2008

  • Spent the Day at the 905 Branch

    I was shipped off to shadow Lucy Lopez of the ‘CBC News at Six‘ team.

    Lucy is the face and story-maker of CBC’s new 905 Branch, the division that gets the stories outside the downtown Toronto area. Apparently there aren’t many people in CBC who are a one-stop-shop… as in produce, edit, write, be on camera, everything.  Lucy can too, and I was excited it was another girl.  march 6 2008

    We covered three different stories and then we got “streeters”.  That’s what it’s called when you interview people on the street passing by.  Lucy let me do that part, and that was nervousness.  

    She gave me instructions and her microphone while she operated the camera, so now there’s footage of me frozen in place with fear then Lucy giving me shove “Go Keri go!” and me asking people if they were worried because the region was running out of road salt during this slippery winter.  I was sad when she said we’d got what we’d came for because I got pretty into it… “Hi hi! CBC here!”.

    Then back to the office to edit together the story and plan what she’s going to say live at 6 o’clock.  There we met back up with the 905 cameraman Oliver and producer Doug.  At this point I’m getting stressed because there’s not much time left before six and still so much to do, but Doug, that guy was unfazed.  Like, if you are ever in a serious crisis you should call Doug to show up with his calmness.  

    I’m sitting with Lucy while she does the voice over work and edits it all together.  On this giant archaic machine, on tape.  Being a completely digital girl I found this too painful to watch and had to leave the room for a bit and organized their shelves instead.

    Time to go on-air.  So the office has an antennae, which talks to one on top of the CN Tower, which is how the story gets fed in live. They let me wear a headset and talk to the crew downtown which I thought was pretty great (Oliver: do you get out much Keri?), and Lucy went live and I watched with saucer-eyes.