
  • Summer Parkour Meet

    Here’s the group shot of the event hosted by pkTO.  They’ve been doing this for a few years, but this is the largest turn-out to date, making it Canada’s biggest ever parkour meet-up.

    Some of the best traceur/euse in the country are here.  I was representing “worst ever” category.july 26 2008

  • A Beer on a Patio…

    … on College Street while Eli, a good-advice-machine disguised as a human, dispensed tons of the stuff.  Thanks, dude.july 24 2008

  • Played “Chase” Today

    I’m out with my parkour friend and we’re horsing around on a jungle gym in a park and he says,

    “Okay Keri, get ready, I’m coming for you.  Start running.”july 22 2008

    So I take off and I’m laughing but then he got all serious and aggressive on me:  

    “MOVE IT, Keri…     it’s     your     LIFE!”.

    If this happened for real I am seriously f**ked.

  • Exploring Graffiti

    Meet Ensoe, one of Canada’s top graffiti artists… like top 3 top.  He’s from Vancouver and was here in Toronto for the annual ‘Style in Progress ’08‘ where ‘Graffiti Alley‘ off of Queen Street West is painted all black and then artists descend all over it with their art.

    Also, this alley is where Rick Mercer does his rants each week in his show, ‘The Rick Mercer Report‘.