august 19 2008
Me Tonight
These Photo-Overlay Things Still Kill Me
Weeeeeeee, I’m on a roller coaster!
august 12 2008
Pretty, eh?
Definitely using this transportation method during my trip.
august 10 2008
Coffee with Alex
I met him at Le Gourmand on Spadina. I’m pretty sure it was delicious but really I was too excited to taste much.
He’s actually gonna email the head-web-guy over at Discovery introducing us, and he had with him a sheet of paper for me with the guy’s contact info so I could follow up.august 8 2008
My feet did not touch the ground after so I texted him that.
15/2 15/4 FTW
Played cribbage on a patio tonight. When was the last time you played? I know me too, forever.august 6 2008