Some of the more colourful ones from my (half) summer of parkour:september 10 2008
Some of the more colourful ones from my (half) summer of parkour:september 10 2008
That is all. september 7 2008
I got it in my head that it’d be great to be a member of Mensa.
So I went to the World’s Biggest Bookstore (did you know they have over 20km of bookshelves?!) to gear up. Who knows if I’ll actually follow through on this.
I did score perfect on their online test. They probably make it easy though, to suck in plebeians like me. It’s working.september 4 2008
september 3 2008
I’m rocking away at the Sheraton on Queen West; that waterfall is my view, pretty eh? I quite like it here and often come sit with a coffee while I ruminate and mastermind.
september 2 2008
Started last week at Yonge and Dundas, this is the cities first “scramble intersection”. You have 28 seconds to cross any-which-way you like when the little man lights up and this awful voice tells you to get moving.
It’s like that giant one in Tokyo you’ve seen in the movies a million times. It’s wonderfully efficient.