september 18 2008
Got Some Proper Pants Today
Last night there was a set of stairs, maybe 7 of them. So I’m running my guts out when all of a sudden there are the stairs so I leap and I SWEAR time stops when I realize my right foot is twisted up in the left leg of my jogging pants.
All in slow-motion, I untwist and release my foot just in time for me to hit the ground with both feet flat, I pitch forward while jackknifed and a giant “aaarrrrrgggghhhhhh” comes out of me and scares the cab drivers standing there, to which I then wave “hi hi!” and keep going.
So two things:
september 17 2008
1 – it is SO sick I can slow down time doing this stuff, and;
2 – time to invest in a proper pair of pants. No way will I get that lucky again, next time I’ll kneecap myself.So I got a pair that are tight around my shins and have a little pocket for my key so I no longer have to hide it in the bushes outside my place.
I’m Kinda Proud of Myself…
…regarding my new exercise regime. I’ve been making it out for a run almost every night for 6 weeks and for rea enjoying it.
I run around the financial district for two reasons:
1 – I find it motivating, and;
2 – there’s lots of stuff to climb up and jump off ofPlus I get a kick out of seeing the streets get scrubbed because they actually do that around there, like with a mop and everything.
Did you know 100 000 people come into and leave the area every weekday? Ya woah, I know.september 15 2008
A Favorite Gas Station
It’s this Esso here on Lakeshore & Carlaw. My routine is get gas, get Tim’s, get a car wash while eating Tim’s. That’s the owner Saif, on the left. Thanks for the car washes dude.
september 15 2008
Sometimes I Worry About This
You know how when you’re exchanging emails with someone and you get back a super-long response and you’re like, “oh dear, this is huge, they mustn’t have much to do and seem kinda lonley and forlorn” ?
Well that… but it’s just that I can type realllllllly fast. september 12 2008