
  • Guarding ACDC

    I was the admin girl today, then tonight I was the assistant to one of the guys in charge.  We had to walk among the floor seats and inform people they couldn’t stand on their chairs.  I just do not have the heart; let me re-create this for you:

    tap tap tap.  “Excuse me! I’m really sorry [palms up, apologetic face], but you gotta get down from there.  You know, insurance reasons! Dumb, I know!  Hey could you reach over and tell that guy too please? Thank you so much!” 

    Then my boss gets a text and takes off running, so I do too.  We get to somewhere and:

    Him:   Keri! Get my back! 
    Me:     Huh? [staring with mouth open, eyes squinted]
    Him:   Watch my back! Bring up the rear!
    Me:     [more of the same]november 7 2008
    Him:    [spins me around and plants me behind him back to back] 
    Me:     Ohhhh, got it!
    Me:     [and I am looking, looking, looking]
    Me:     Nothing to report back here!  Things are looking good!

    Then it was over as quickly as it started, and he’s off again and I’m running to catch up.

    Me:   What was that all about?
    Him:  Oh Keri, really? We just escorted the band from the stage to their van. 

  • A Good Description of Me

    Over sushi tonight it went like this:

    Me: Huh? Really?
    Me: But I don’t understand…
    Me: And how can that be?
    Me: Nooooo, what else? 
    Me: Come on, serious?

    New Friend: This topic really does it for you, eh?

    Old Friend: No, she’s just curious, and she keeps going until her curiosity is completely exhausted.november 6 2008

  • Election Thoughts

    At our recent election 60% of the country voted, to which I exclaimed “that’s IT?!”

    Then I was talking with someone today and learned that in the States during their recent election they hit 40%, and that was considered outrageously high.  

    And at once I was SO proud of my country.  But it still should be higher.november 5 2008

  • I Can’t Believe this Worked

    The parking ticket machine kept spitting blank tickets at me so I wrote on them:

    Paid until 3:30, swear! november 4 2008

  • At a MobileMonday Event

    I’m at a event.  Brian hosted this one, good guy who has done up his entire office like a castle.  He told me about a human centrifuge on Sheppard here in Toronto.  It’s the only one in Canada.  

    I don’t understand why something like that would be in the middle of a city, and I also can’t figure out how to gain access. Anyone?  I’ve been wanting to try one out for years, I KNOW I can handle the Gs.  Imagine the video?  That’s good footage.november 3 2008