november 12 2008
Me Today
Love you, Veterans
Wish I could hug each one of you.november 11 2008
Ha, My New Sunglasses
I’m supposed to be spending this money on normal old prescription glasses, but boorrrring.
I mean come on, it’s like I stumbled into a wormhole and brought back aviators from the future.november 10 2008
Went to See Jay of ‘Daily Planet’
He just published his 8th book, “Daily Planet Book of Cool Ideas” and gave a talk about it at First Canadian Place. He’s an eloquent speaker I thought, and so did the masses of ladies there; ladies man!
I mulled over and over if I should talk to him but decided not to in case he had no idea what I was talking about and I embarrassed him in front of his fans.OH… remember I told you I got a contract doing work for Discovery Channel? It was designing a mobile broadcasting system for Jay here.
I was also tasked to give my ideas and implementations on that sick new Microsoft Surface technology (they used one in the latest Bond film, 0:39). I took that as “I will now write myself into every ‘Daily Planet’ episode using the thing”.november 10 2008 -
Profile Picture
Get it? It’s of my profile, ha. I emailed it around but only I seem to find it funny? november 9 2008