
  • Oh SNAP!

    I finally pulled the trigger and joined the rest of the world and got… a smartphone.  Behold my new Bold.

    That’s Sandra at the Rogers in ‘The PATH’, King and Bay Street, and she’s awesome.

    Every month I take my cel bill to her which she re-adjusts and makes smaller.  And it’s quite difficult to trip her up, I’ve only been able to once… “well, Keri, you finally got me”, to which I lit up and punched her on the shoulder.november 18 2008

  • For the Past Three Days…

    … I’ve been working at  ‘The Royal Winter Agricultural Fair‘ or, ‘The Royal’, at Exhibition Place.  This is its 86th year, 350 000 people visit over 2 weeks, and it’s the largest indoor agricultural fair and international equestrian competition in the world.

    Sunday I was a “roamer”, meaning I walked around keeping an eye out.  I passed a little kid at one point, who looked up at me and breathed out in awe, “ohhh, security”.  Yesssss.  Here are some things I saw:november 18 2008

    From left to right:

    • neat painting, eh?  It won an award, but I forgot to write down the artist.  Email me if you know them
    • weighing in at 77.8lbs, this is the new ‘Guinness Book of World Records’ biggest-ever Rutabaga! Congratulations, Norman Lee Craven from Cannington, Ontario!
    • this sculpture is made entirely of butter.  HOW did they transport that?
    • I am very sick

    Then Monday and Tuesday I was guarding a set of doors while the exhibitors dismantled and shipped off.  Pretty quiet post so I was able to finish my latest book, “PSI Spies“.  I already believed before I read it, now, even more so.  And there’s a “central premonition registry” out there?  I’m joining.

  • A Collage from Work Today

    I was stationed outside Alan Jackson‘s dressing room.  That’s the view from my chair, top left.  Guess that explains why I never saw the guy; he stayed on his $3 million dollar bus until show time.  I did meet some other band members though:

    Them: Why are you sitting here?november 14 2008
    Me: [completely straight-faced] I’m here to keep Alan safe.

    Top right is my view of the stage.  You can’t really see him, but Trace Adkins‘ lead guitar player Brian Wooten is up there.  He gave me his guitar pick after his set and told me I “was his inspiration for the night”.

    Then someone else gave me a “Local Crew” t-shirt but the thing is a tent on me.  Want it? Email me and tell me why and whomever has the best answer I’ll ship it to you.

  • Me Today

    november 13 2008

  • Work Tonight at the ‘Kool Haus’

    Loved this shift, love ‘Girl Talk‘.november 12 2008

    This is his graphics guy Andrew, aka “Bad Brilliance“, who runs the giant video screens during the show.  Great costume, eh?  

    At the end of the show, Gregg (Girl Talk) said a few words about fair use and copyrights to which the crowd went insane, more than any other moment in the show.

    If I were to write a fan letter to ‘Girl Talk’ it would say this:

    Gregg, I love ‘Feed the Animals’ so much I rarely listen to it.