
  • Then Scott made me Dinner

    But not the below Scott, another one.  The theme of today seems to be ‘Scott’.  

    Check out his fridge, he uses a green light bulb inside: “See Keri? Everything looks so fresh.”

    As is always, if someone cooks for me I do all the dishes (please invite me!).  So I washed his cast iron pots.  With soap.  And a steel wool brush.  Who knew you weren’t supposed to do that?  

    While eating we were reminiscing about old Mac stuff… remember Myst?  ClarisWorks?  Dark Castle?  Jared?  Love Jared.november 25 2008

  • I Called to Close an Old Account…

    … and ended up with a new friend.  november 24 2008

    I switched banks when I moved here and finally tonight got around to shutting down my old one… then the customer service rep and I chatted for an hour (so Canadian eh?!).

    I tried filming some of the conversation by holding up my headset to the microphone but it didn’t work.  Too bad, he would have made you laugh, too.

    I came out with a page of notes (far right) of places to go and things to do where I might find like-minded people and good times.  I promised I wouldn’t say his name or the bank so [redacted], thanks!  I’m on it.

  • Me Tonight

    The two of us on the right look evil huh… like we just roofied the guy in white and almost got caught.november 22 2008

  • Me Today

    Check out my new coat; it’s an early Xmas present from my parents, good gift huh?!  I’ve wished for a Canada Goose for so long. Thanks, Mom and Dad!november 20 2008

  • Movie Night

    I went to the Revue Cinema to attend Mobifest, an annual competition of made-for-mobile movies.  Neat concept, my crap attention span liked the shortness of each, and I’m kicking myself for not entering.

    Above is the brochure they give you at the door.  A giant “come on” escaped me when I read the bios on the judges… Johnny is the CBC guy who discovered me!  The guy is _everywhere_.november 19 2008