Come on, even the title is killer: How to be a Fake Kreskin.
I’m secretly hoping that by me blogging about him he’ll somehow feel a pull and… be my friend. november 29 2008
Come on, even the title is killer: How to be a Fake Kreskin.
I’m secretly hoping that by me blogging about him he’ll somehow feel a pull and… be my friend. november 29 2008
… found Kreskin on Twitter. I heart him. Drove 5 hours to see him last year and he blew my mind. Wish he was my friend.november 29 2008
…so much it’s retarded.november 28 2008
… I used to check in all the people to tonight’s concert. It surprises me that it uses just an old Palm. Tonight I said hello to 3400 people. No hyperbole, serious. And 90% of them said hello back. Goodnight. november 27 2008
Shot with my Bold; pretty good, eh? november 26 2008
I’m at Joe Rockhead’s, Canada’s first indoor climbing gym.