
  • Great Toronto Bar

    This is the view and a beer’s $6.  The trick is to go when nothing’s on. Arriba Lounge.december 6 2008

  • Leaving Today

    Okay so South Beach is a time warp.  That was 5 days?  As IF.

    So much fun last night, gay clubs are the best eh ladies?!  Didn’t get to see much of either Hector or Ashraf though… they were working at the bar and the place was rammed; they were hanging from the rafters, literally.  I danced and danced and re-injured my ankle climbing a fence to get home.

    I just realized I have no photos of either of them, oops, so below are their Facebook profile pics; Ashraf (left) I didn’t get to see enough this visit,  

    december 5 2008
    and Hector (right) kindly let me stay at his place.  The guy’s a killer; he can make me laugh very hard and we love penguins.  He has some of the best Facebook status updates I’ve seen: “in my next life I want to come back… as ME!”

    We stayed up late a lot of nights talking, laughing, him teaching me how to walk with less stomp and more elegance.  And he suggested I become a bartender and you know, after hearing his points I see it’s an excellent idea and maybe I will.   

  • Going Out Dancing

    With my new English friends, Andrew and Richard.  We’re en route to a club where Hector and Ashraf are working.
    december 4 2008

  • If Vegetables Were To…

    … show up at my door tasting and looking like this, I’d eat way more of them.december 4 2008

  • We’re Listening to Britney

    As in the new album, ‘Circus’.  That’s right, it’s not yet been released here… this one’s bootlegged from England, ha.

    I think the best song is “If You Seek Amy” and predict it’ll be the biggest single.
    december 3 2008