I’m half through David Seaman’s book “Dirty Secrets of Buzz”, sign up for his newsletter listed on page 83, and then he just wrote me back!december 12 2008
Me Today
december 10 2008
I am Canadian
december 9 2008
Taken moments after…
… I signed my name and created something I Tweeted about; I established ‘The Keri Foundation’ for when I die.I don’t wanna talk much about it, but will tell you this:
The way it works is the total of my estate is put into an account that a company manages. Then, each year (hopefully in perpetuity) the earnings from said account are divided equally and sent to the two recipients I have named:
1 – The C.N.I.B. I cannot imagine going through life without seeing it.
2 – Veterans Affairs Canada What I very specifically want is for the funds to go to helping those with PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These people go and serve our country and in return get horrific moments and images burned into their brain and come home forever changed. The nightmares alone must be hellish.
Now to fill up the Foundation with money.
Here’s to this not becoming Failanthropy.december 8 2008
Exploring ‘BrickWorks’
I’m at Brickworks, a brick-making factory founded in 1889 and functional until the mid 1980s when the clay ran out. Now Evergreen, a Canadian not-for-profit environmental organization, is restoring the place into a community destination.
Above I call the group ‘The Explorers Group of Toronto’ but I’m wrong; it’s called ‘The Toronto Exploration Society‘ and they’re fun and interesting; come join us!december 7 2008
Here’s more of Kevin’s photos, and thanks to motionblur for organizing.