january 10 2009
Wish This Was Real
Things From Work Tonight
Worked the ACDC show again:
– I thought the same thing I always think at these events: “wow, all this for 4 humans”january 9 2009
– If you’re gonna try to bribe me… don’t pull out of bundle of 20s, peel off just one and add in some flourish. Really dude?
– A co-worker asked me if I was wearing snow pants
– Find me one more example of an old guy stripping and the crowd going nutso like that
– Behind the stadium after the show are 13! identical red semi-trucks waiting for deployment
Working with Jody
We met up in Liberty Village this morning and moved around a couple places with our laptops.
Me: Hey this is fun, working together like this.
Jody: Ya, we’re like office people!january 9 2009 -
Holy Crap I Just Got Recognized
My tummy’s going crazy.
I was going down an escalator and a group of four were going up and I hear:january 7 2009
“It’s her, it’s the [security company] girl!”
I froze up in this weird position, rode the escalator down like that, put my hood up and ran away.
And returned home. To continue work on my… internet show.
What is wrong with me.
Heard Something Disturbing Today
I heart the Lettuce Eatery… they can actually make vegetables taste okay. Below is Warren who runs the one in the Exchange Tower (which has the freshest spinach, I think).
We were exchanging holiday stories when the subject of our great Canadian manners came up:Me: Yup, I love how we’re the politest nation around.
Warren: No, that’s not true.
Me: [jaw drops]. What? WHY would you say THAT?
Warren: StatsCan did a survery a few years back and Toronto came out as one of the poorest-mannered cities in the world.
Me: Nooooo. No no no.january 5 2009
Warren: Yup, sorry Keri.So of course I googled this “survey” soon as I got home and couldn’t find it. But okay, not gonna lie, I could have looked harder. I did find this one though by Readers Digest; it states Toronto placed 3rd in the world for “Most Polite”.
I’m gonna stick to the Readers Digest findings, but still, perhaps we Canadians are resting a bit too much on our laurels and need to step up our game.