That’s Gordon Ramsay signing his new book. There were more guys than girls there.
Hey Gordon, I officially challenge you to put together a meal from what’s in my cupboards and fridge… betcha can’t.february 9 2009
That’s Gordon Ramsay signing his new book. There were more guys than girls there.
Hey Gordon, I officially challenge you to put together a meal from what’s in my cupboards and fridge… betcha can’t.february 9 2009
I launched this website today at 11:59pm. Here’s how it is:
february 8 2009
No ads, very minimal, awesome load time.
At work tonight.february 8 2009
I’m at WinterCity in Nathan Phillips Square. From left to right:
That’s me and my ship. From my post I could see the show well, the one where hell realm beings appeared and strolled through the crowd.
Then I got shipped off to outside The Stills dressing room. Later I left them to it and wandered City Hall, found the Mayor’s office and then this crest. Didn’t know Toronto had it’s own crest. Our motto is “Diversity: Our Strength”.
That last photo is of the signboard that tells you the things available inside City Hall; feel-goodery found here.
At my haircut today Rose, Brennen’s right hand girl, was telling me how last night she signed up to be in the Olympic Torch tour. So she pulled up the site and I signed up. Up.february 6 2009
Did you know it’s the longest torch course _ever_ in Olympic history? Oh Canada! It’s 45 000km and it’ll take 12 000 people 100 days (120 people / day, 5 people / hour).
It even goes up to Alert, Nunavut, the most northern city in the world with permanent residents. There’s 5 of them.
Do it too:
Oh and I spelled L’Oreal Professionel wrong in the movie… it’s an E not an A near the end because it’s French.