It doesn’t fit in a ponytail, freaking. It has always fit in a ponytail. It’s so short at the back, gone really. It takes 4 bobbypins instead to put it all up.february 13 2009
6″ Are Now Gone From My Hair
february 13 2009
TwestivalTO Tonight
It was held at Circa and was one of 175 Twestivals going on simultaneously around the world to raise money for chairty : water. $10 000 was raised by the Toronto party.
I handed out my new business cards on which neither the email nor URL work. It’s okay though because the font is too small for any normal human to be able to read anyway.
Photojunkie was there, taking photos. He’s a big deal, like he’s the winner of 3 Bloggies for “best CDN blog out there” and was 2007s runner-up for the same.
And so for once I voluntarily went to have my photo taken. Which he did of just me, and then with my new pal @modernmod too. However, and no offense dude, I like mine better… because look, doesn’t he look so SouthPark-ish?
He then introduced to me April, who is at the middle of a controversy right now with some reporter guy. I’d read about it that afternoon so it was cool to hear about it from the source. Not once did she say one bad thing about him, classy huh. She mentioned Valleywag, then later again, so I stopped her:
Me: Woah wait, you were actually on ValleyWag? I thought you were being dramatic.
April: Nope, front page and everything.
Me: Sick.Then my friends surprised me by showing up and planting themselves in my peripherial vision. It took me forever to see them, despite my keen spy skills. We sat on these KidRobot chairs for a second then went and drank some beers eh, at the Horseshoe.
february 12 2009
Been Trying
february 11 2009
I Refrained From SUCH An Obvious Pedobear Joke re: TO’s crest
Just saying.february 10 2009